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First Day of School 2023-2024

Welcome Back to Elementary School!

Dear students and parents,

It is with great excitement that we welcome you all back to Whiting Lane Elementary School for the 2023-2024 academic year. We cannot express how thrilled we are to have our students back where they belong: in the classroom.

This year we have exciting plans lined up for our students. We will be continuing with our STEAM program, where students get to explore science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. We will also have various extracurricular activities and sports programs. Our teachers have been working hard over the summer to prepare engaging lessons and enriching activities for students.

We understand that coming back to school after a long break can be overwhelming for some students. Therefore, we will be having counselors and support teams in place to ensure that all students feel comfortable and are adjusting well to their new classes and routines.

We believe that a strong partnership between families and school is crucial for academic success. As such, we encourage all parents and guardians to stay involved in their child's academic journey this year. We look forward to building and strengthening this partnership with you.

We look forward to seeing our students back in school on the first day of classes, which is August 28th, 2023. Let's make this an exceptional year of learning, discovery, and growth for all our students.

Best regards,
Whiting Lane School PTO

August 29

Playground Popsicle Playdate

September 14

PTO Meeting